Losses sustained by The People's Bank of China shall be made up by appropriations from the State treasury. 中国人民银行的亏损由中央财政拨款弥补。
Remittances which are unclaimed when a period of ten months expires, counting from the date of delivering the return-remittance notice to the remitters, shall be turned over to the state treasury. 自退汇通知投交汇款人之日起满十个月未被领回的汇款,上缴国库。
The reporter asked the question, there are two possibilities, one is laughing at the poor China, a weak, the state treasury empty; 这位记者提出这样的问题,有两种可能性,一个是嘲笑中国穷,实力差,国库空虚;
Thoughts on financial management in agricultural scientific research department under state treasury centralized payment 国库集中支付下对农业科研单位财务管理的思考
The confiscated properties shall be transferred to the court of second instance and turned to the state treasury. 执行后的罚没款物应移送第二审人民法院上缴国库。
Discussion on the Internal Control of the Central Bank's State Treasury Department under the new Information System Environment 新信息系统下央行国库内部控制问题的探讨
Position sending unit to pump module and snap into place. The money thus obtained shall be turned over to the State Treasury after the costs of transport, loading, unloading and storage are deducted. 将发送单元放到上并卡扣到位。所得价款在扣除运输、装卸、储存等费用后,上缴国库。
The entire fine shall be delivered to the state treasury. 罚款全部上交国库。
The People's Courts and the tax authorities shall turn over the gains from fines and confiscations they have received to the state treasury. 人民法院和税务机关的罚没收入,一律上缴国库。
A system of centralized collection and payment by the state treasury will be instituted for this purpose. Control over budgets, auditing and special financial accounts at all levels should be tightened. 推行国库集中收付制度,强化各级财政预算、审计监督、财政专户管理。
The fine collected and illegal gains confiscated according to law must be turned over to the State Treasury in full. 收缴的罚款以及依法没收的经营所得,必须全部上缴国库。
The confiscated illegal gains and fines must all be turned over to the state treasury. 没收违法所得及罚款一律上缴国库。并处违法所得一倍以上五倍以下罚金。
Research on the Guard Strategy of Risk in the Accountant and State Treasury for the Sub-branch of Central Bank 中央银行基层支行会计国库风险防范策略研究
The people's Bank of China shall manage the state treasury in accordance with laws and administrative rules and regulations. 中国人民银行依照法律、行政法规的规定经理国库。
The sale of furs soon accounted for a third of the state treasury. 毛皮的销售收入不久就占到国库的三分之一。
The incomes collected from fines shall be handed to the state treasury. 罚没收入全部上交国家财政。
The other is post allocation, namely, when social insurance fund raised by other channels are unable to make ends meet, allocate money to replenish from the state treasury. 二是事后拨款,即当以其他渠道筹集的社保资金入不敷出时,从国库拨款补足。
Second, do a good job in accounting Focus on the state treasury to the accounting system of centralized collection and payment system transition; 二是做好会计集中核算制向国库集中收付制过渡工作;三是进一步规范政府采购和收支两条线改革;
More likely, experts say, sales have simply shifted to nearby tax havens that allow New Yorkers to stockpile cut-rate smokes at the expense of the state treasury. 专家们说,更有可能的情况是,销售只是转到了附近的使纽约人能够以纽约州的财政为代价而囤积打折烟草的税收天堂。
The property confiscated by the State security organs shall, in any case, be turned in to the State Treasury. 国家安全机关没收的财物,一律上缴国库。
Withholding agent should turn the tax withheld over to the State Treasury within the prescribed time limit and file this return with the local tax authorities. 扣缴义务人应将扣缴的税款在规定的期限内缴入国库,并向当地税务机关报送本表。
The withholding agent shall, within five days, turn over the tax amount withheld each time to the state treasury, and submit a report on the income tax withheld to the local tax authority. 扣缴义务人每次所扣的税款,应当于五日内缴入国库,并向当地税务机关报送扣缴所得税报告表。
A Study of Government Credit Card System in Centralized Collection and Payment System of the State Treasury 国库集中收付体系下的公务卡制度研究
The banks shall accept the fines and turn them over directly to the state treasury. 银行应当收受罚款,并将罚款直接上缴国库。
Officials said money collected from the auction will go directly to the state treasury. 当地官员说拍卖所得金钱将直接上缴国库。
The tax withheld by the withholding agent on monthly basis, and the tax paid by the self-reporting individual, shall be paid to the state treasury within the first seven days of the following month together with the tax returns filed with the tax authorities. 扣缴义务人每月所扣的税款,自行申报纳税人每月应纳的税款,都应当在次月七日内缴入国库,并向税务机关报送纳税申报表。
Thus it is feasible to combine the centralized accounting system and the centralized state treasury payment system. 实行会计集中核算制和国库集中支付制两者相结合是完全可行的。
Third chapter, Shandong Province state treasury centralism payment system reform and efficiency appraisal. 第三章,山东省国库集中支付制度改革及其效率评价。
In recent years, with the development of treasury centralized payment system and the fiscal revenue growth, a large number of funds have retained in the treasury. This phenomenon has caused the waste of the state treasury cash. 近年来,随着国库集中支付制度的发展和财政收入的增长,资金大量沉淀在国库,造成了国库现金的闲置浪费。